Mini rant on timed demos
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY???????? (I imagine the converstation went something like this) Suit 1: Okay so, our tech geeks have burnt holes in their socks getting the demo ready to put on next months trade rag Suit 2: I thought that they have just taken the tutorial level and ported it across Suit 1: Oh, okay. Well, okay so, we need to implement something into the demo that's going to make Joe Public drool and be some damn eager to buy the game that they'll stop being cheap-ass bastards waiting for the game to hit the pre-owned section and actually buy the game at release price Suit 2: We need to entice them into playing ... Suit 1: okay Suit 2: ... demonstrate the range of things to do ... Suit 1: so Suit 2: ... but not allow them to play it to death and get bored ... Suit 1; Okay so? Suit 2: ... ummm ... [Suit 3 enters] Guys, sorry I'm late. Fred from Development cornered me about a timer. Still have no idea what he was on about. What's with the light bulbs over y...