
Showing posts from 2007

Lure of the Past

I've just been reading this months EDGE magazine. There's an article on the PS3 in there in which Ray McGuire, MD of SCEE, defends Sony's position on making the new PS3 model lose it's backwards compatibility. This was done to try reduce the costs involved in manufacturing the PS3 which costs Sony - the company loses money in selling PS3. Now I get reducing specs to reduce the cost (the other features missing from the new model include 2 less USB ports, 20Gb less hard drive, and the memory card reader) but I'm afraid that, for me at least, the backwards compatibility is non-negotiable. We all know that updating and improving consoles doesn't necessary mean that games are also improved. Games like Space Invaders, Defender, Tetris, Super Mario Bros, Secret of Mana, Sonic, Metroid, Zelda to name but a few are regarded as classics on the systems that they first appeared upon. That's not to say that new consoles don't bring improved gaming to existing IP (an...

New Modem

As mentioned in my earlier post (ISP V2) we need to buy a new modem to replace the existing Voyager that wasn't playing nicely any more. We finally took the plunge with a Netgear wireless ADSL modem router (at least partly cos we were setting up a laptop for Mums use and had no way to check the onboard Wifi card was working) Our PC is connected into one of the four available wired ports and set-up took about 10 minutes - a few minutes more to add the encryption, switch off the SSID and only allow connections from the laptop MAC via W2PK. Since then, it's mostly performed pretty well. The computer says it has a 100Mbps connection, though that of course makes no different to our broadband rate and it's nice not to have to turn the desktop on to get a connection via the laptop. I have had the internet connection just die once or twice though - I don't know if Pipex are watching me after nearly going over the download limit in August (I had a broken leg - there wasn't m...

Halo 3: more minus than plus?

I still remain a firm fan of UT in all it's flavours but I did spend three hours on Halo 3 at the weekend: This was on the co-op campaign with a friend who has already completed once. In those three hours, we managed (with me first-timing Halo 3 - and only experience with the demo of the original Halo prior) to get someway into mission 6 (of 9). It looks gorgeous, sounds amazing, and surprising slow. Anyone jumping floats in the air for several seconds, and there's no dodging. Even the fast vehicles like Ghosts seem to take an age to come about. With two players, Halo 3 was good fun, despite all that. My partner in crime knew (mostly) what needed to be done and I am always able to flank opponents. He is a much better driver than I am but I am probably a better turret gunner. I do have some good memories now of that session (in no particular order): operating a mounted gun in a Warthog and using his zoomed in sniper view to watch my tracer fire and take down the sniper he was ai...

How killing people with my dad improved our relationship

Just a link in this post to an article on Gamasutra that is for the positive of video games

The Internet is for Porn next version

I did post some time ago with the WoW version of Avenue Q's The Internet is for Porn. As I have never played Wow or Guild Wars and I am aware that there may be a hint (just a hint) of rivalry between the two, I'm posting the Guild Wars version as well. Watch it here While I mention the WoW vs Guild War thing, have a like at this movie as well: Can't touch this Is it wrong to think the only difference is that Guild Wars only has human characters? [don nomex suit]


I posted over a year ago about having issues with our ISP - Pipex can't seem to transfer your account but have to close it and get you to open a new one. I get the technical details of making sure the line is set up for them to be able to access it but why does that require a new account? Anyhoo, the year was up and we had a bit of a look around to see if Pipex was going to continue to have our custom. The criteria was a little more relaxed this time - it didn't have to be an unlimited download service, just larger than what seems to be the normal 2Gb limit (I've been monitoring our usage and I get through just over 2 GB a month - it's always one too many games of UT2k4!). A download speed of anything from 2Mbps was acceptable (the more the better though). And it had to be cheaper than the current plan. We also need a new modem as the BT based one we have regularly seizes the computer on shutdown Our initial thought was for Orange which ticked all the boxes technically,...


Just one of several links on Youtube Created by Monty Oum - it's a masterpiece link of Metroid, Halo and the Matrix. A little rough round the edges, sure but very nice all the same. It's worth checking out the deviant art page for this peep also.

Game Guides on Handheld Consoles

I've been pondering the value of handheld consoles recently - as you do. The DS lite is getting more appealing - primarily because of Brain Training and Hotel Dusk but I still can't find many reasons to purchase a PSP (besides I'd rather get the Wii and PS3 first!) However, I've also recently started replaying Final Fantasy VII and something that the handhelds would be great for would be as a context sensitive game guide. I'm sure many gamers either miss parts of a game as they don't realise it's there or fail to acheive the conditions needed to open that bit/weapon/character/bonus up, or when using guides have to balance playing the game with hunting through a text file or online guide keeping up with where they are. How much simpler would it be to have a guide open in your handheld that is linked to where you are in the game and changes accordingly - posting strategies for enemy encounters, flagging up hidden treasure and having files to hand to solve puz...

UT3 approaches

More and more details are being released about the forthcoming UT3 and this is one gamer who is looking forward to having to upgrade for the first time in a few years. (of course there are still the consoles to buy, and the peripherals, and the new versions of other franchises, and ...) No release date yet on UT3 (did they drop the UT2007 title cos they weren't certain they could release it in 2k7?) but more info can be found at GamesRadar the Tiny URL link A link for those who want the full URL

I used to have a life once

Below is a copy of an article from the Daily Telegraph (link here ) which details one man and his WoW addiction. Even my mum got it :) But that was before Sam Leith joined the monster-killing millions in the online game World of Warcraft So my gnome rogue, hoping to level up, is grinding his way through some leprous gnome exiles, picking the odd pocket for coppers, and vaguely searching for a dwarf, when he spots an intriguing doorway. So, here I am, at 3.30am on a working day, red-eyed from bashing up trolls. And, I might add with a twinge of shame, 33 years old He stealths, and starts waddling down the gently sloping stone corridor. A little way ahead, I can see where the passageway makes a right turn. Then this funny little mob shows up, then adds, and barely do I know I'm in combat before I'm toast. Didn't even get a Sinister Strike in. A fast-moving L30 night-elf hunter breezes past my corpse, then stops, and turns round. He notices the dead gnome is level 7. "Du...