
Showing posts from April, 2007


Just one of several links on Youtube Created by Monty Oum - it's a masterpiece link of Metroid, Halo and the Matrix. A little rough round the edges, sure but very nice all the same. It's worth checking out the deviant art page for this peep also.

Game Guides on Handheld Consoles

I've been pondering the value of handheld consoles recently - as you do. The DS lite is getting more appealing - primarily because of Brain Training and Hotel Dusk but I still can't find many reasons to purchase a PSP (besides I'd rather get the Wii and PS3 first!) However, I've also recently started replaying Final Fantasy VII and something that the handhelds would be great for would be as a context sensitive game guide. I'm sure many gamers either miss parts of a game as they don't realise it's there or fail to acheive the conditions needed to open that bit/weapon/character/bonus up, or when using guides have to balance playing the game with hunting through a text file or online guide keeping up with where they are. How much simpler would it be to have a guide open in your handheld that is linked to where you are in the game and changes accordingly - posting strategies for enemy encounters, flagging up hidden treasure and having files to hand to solve puz...

UT3 approaches

More and more details are being released about the forthcoming UT3 and this is one gamer who is looking forward to having to upgrade for the first time in a few years. (of course there are still the consoles to buy, and the peripherals, and the new versions of other franchises, and ...) No release date yet on UT3 (did they drop the UT2007 title cos they weren't certain they could release it in 2k7?) but more info can be found at GamesRadar the Tiny URL link A link for those who want the full URL