
Showing posts from October, 2007

New Modem

As mentioned in my earlier post (ISP V2) we need to buy a new modem to replace the existing Voyager that wasn't playing nicely any more. We finally took the plunge with a Netgear wireless ADSL modem router (at least partly cos we were setting up a laptop for Mums use and had no way to check the onboard Wifi card was working) Our PC is connected into one of the four available wired ports and set-up took about 10 minutes - a few minutes more to add the encryption, switch off the SSID and only allow connections from the laptop MAC via W2PK. Since then, it's mostly performed pretty well. The computer says it has a 100Mbps connection, though that of course makes no different to our broadband rate and it's nice not to have to turn the desktop on to get a connection via the laptop. I have had the internet connection just die once or twice though - I don't know if Pipex are watching me after nearly going over the download limit in August (I had a broken leg - there wasn't m...

Halo 3: more minus than plus?

I still remain a firm fan of UT in all it's flavours but I did spend three hours on Halo 3 at the weekend: This was on the co-op campaign with a friend who has already completed once. In those three hours, we managed (with me first-timing Halo 3 - and only experience with the demo of the original Halo prior) to get someway into mission 6 (of 9). It looks gorgeous, sounds amazing, and surprising slow. Anyone jumping floats in the air for several seconds, and there's no dodging. Even the fast vehicles like Ghosts seem to take an age to come about. With two players, Halo 3 was good fun, despite all that. My partner in crime knew (mostly) what needed to be done and I am always able to flank opponents. He is a much better driver than I am but I am probably a better turret gunner. I do have some good memories now of that session (in no particular order): operating a mounted gun in a Warthog and using his zoomed in sniper view to watch my tracer fire and take down the sniper he was ai...