
Showing posts from December, 2010

And then there were three, and four, and five, and ...

Like a zombie or a Hollywood attention span, I bring this blog creakily back to life. Apologises for the extended gap between postings - Mrs Zombie Killer and I now have a little terror of our own - still a little young yet to take part. Couple this with an anti-social job, a long protracted house move and an extended commute time ... I'll cover how parenthood has altered my gaming habits another time, lets get back to the gaming. Our long suffering DS is getting a little more attention now that I have a couple of hours of travel time each working day. And thus, I've finally found the Golden Apple! Yep the first Professor Layton has been completed (116 puzzles found and solved) and only one puzzle is still eluding detection. Can't get all the weekly downloads as the WEP encryption isn't good enough for our WPA enable network. So, the next couple of Layton games are waving their arms; New Super Mario Bros is also getting me interested and I've also added Ghost Tri...