Games of 2018 - what I played through the year
Welcome to 2019. And first thing we do is is look back at 2018 - more specifically what games I have played. Compared to the last couple of years ( 2017 games and 2016 games ) the total number played is much reduced at 68. Nine games were completed this year, plus all the story dlc for Destiny 2 and two of three story dlc for Ghost Recon Wildlands. 16 games played were already completed in earlier years and there was only 3 beta/alpha's played this year. It's noteworthy by this point that the games I choose to play are very often games that don't have a traditional 'end point' - Destiny 2, Neverwinter, Skyforge, Brawlhalla, Warframe, The Division, Battlefield 1 , or else are games that are requests from daughters ( Minecraft , all the Lego games) And having not run the First Time Play video's for the last year, there haven't been as many one-off games. In fact, Destiny 2 was the biggest time sink of the year - well over 200 hours, which i...