can't move both sets of limbs ...

Resident Evil

Lessee, this is a series that has spanned, what over 15 versions across 7 consoles and the PC, including a couple of light gun based variants. It was the series that brought survival horror to the gaming mainstream (though yes Alone in the Dark did it first) and the next version is already in development for the PS3. And has spawned 2 films, a series of novels and a number of comics

The heroes in all but the Outbreak files are trained police, government, special force, and corporate espionage agents (normally more than one) and are prodigies in specialist areas (the master of unlocking :) - ok so you knew _that_ was coming) able to handle assorted weapons, computers and codes.

Why then, is it only the 'normal folk' in Outbreak who once they have aimed a weapon are able to move at the same time??

EVERY other similar game in the world allows movement but the nearest that the RE gang have ever got to it was the ability to dodge in RE3. Fur Chrissakes Leon in RE4 can jump through windows and smash heads open but he can't sidestep; both the Survivor games (which need a lightgun to be played properly) freeze the character to the spot when the trigger is pulled; Claire, in Veronica, in the opening movie is able to outrun attack helicopters and uses elements of Gun Kata. Then the player takes control and she is lucky to be able to turn or look up or down with a weapon readied.

From the more well-known games such as Dino Crisis (released about the same time as RE2 and by Capcom also) to the lesser known (I'll use Obscure, the only 2 player survival horror that I can think of) the majority of the characters had worked out that it's easier to avoid bio-weapon mutants if you walk backwards while pumping them full of lead.

Any chance that RE5 might decide to have movement on a separate control to aim? Or is such a concept far more difficult to program then I could imagine

[/sarcasm] ;)


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