
Showing posts from March, 2009

Triumvirate is complete

Firstly, eagle eyed viewers will note the new Trophy card - design is by xxDune. I've finally been able to add a few more trophies to the collection recently - on games I've actually wanted rather than buying games just to add numbers to the trophy collection. The games themselves will surprise no-one - Dead Space is the disc currently keeping the PS3 warm at nights. It's amazing how much more enjoyable a game is when I can move while shooting ... something I suspect me and Resident Evil 5 are going to fall out over. As a note, if you'd tried the Dead Space demo and got bloodily wiped out, the game itself is a little more forgiving. Or at least, you've had a little more time to warm up and work out what's going on when you get to that bit. Prince of Persia is awaiting my return to it, which if the wife gets the next Resident Evil could be a while. We all know how she likes her zombies - and it was her like of survival horror that ended up with Alone In The ...