Triumvirate is complete

Firstly, eagle eyed viewers will note the new Trophy card - design is by xxDune.

I've finally been able to add a few more trophies to the collection recently - on games I've actually wanted rather than buying games just to add numbers to the trophy collection.

The games themselves will surprise no-one - Dead Space is the disc currently keeping the PS3 warm at nights.
It's amazing how much more enjoyable a game is when I can move while shooting ... something I suspect me and Resident Evil 5 are going to fall out over.
As a note, if you'd tried the Dead Space demo and got bloodily wiped out, the game itself is a little more forgiving. Or at least, you've had a little more time to warm up and work out what's going on when you get to that bit.

Prince of Persia is awaiting my return to it, which if the wife gets the next Resident Evil could be a while.

We all know how she likes her zombies - and it was her like of survival horror that ended up with Alone In The Dark: Inferno
I remember saying that I hated the Wii version (which is still true - we traded the Wii version some months ago) - the PS3 version is better.

[shameless plug]
Another side note - if you have the PS3 version, there's an exclusive sequence in episode 6 that none of the online guides cover - except for mine! There are several full guides for Xbox 360 available in the usual places. If you need some help with Episode 6 on the PS3, you can find my guide on GameFAQS, Supercheats and Neoseeker.
[/shameless plug]

Kinda ironic, when I mentioned that I could do the Wii guide ...

I'm still waiting for trophy support for Bionic Commando: Rearmed though. Come on Capcom!
And I'm getting more and more bored with Pain
Having trophies that can only be done if you purchase DLC seems a little mercenary and not 'community friendly'

Talking of community friendly, what happened about Smash Bros? I hear you cry.
Found it for less than £20 and couldn't resist the purchase - I'm working my way through the labyrinth in the brief moments I get around to playing it.

Also on the Wii, way back when I mentioned I was waiting for Secret Of Mana to arrive on Virtual Console. Well, it arrived and it's currently sat in it's channel, waiting for me to leave Potos village at the start of the quest.
It's successor, Chrono Trigger is meanwhile awaiting it's turn in the DS, after Lunar Knights but as I only power up the DS when travelling long distances that could be a while yet.

And for the patient amongst you who guessed from the title - yes I finally also have a Xbox 360.
It is work's old one donated after it failed for the second time. Work has since replaced the original with a Xbox Arcade model with 60Gb HDD and I was given the old one to do with as I wished.

The first time I fixed it by following the guide here, though i didn't replace the X clamps, which is probably why it failed again.

After a month it failed again. At that point, I overcooked it by switching it on and smothering it with towels.

That lasted another month

This time, I purchased the X clamp kit from this UK site and so far it seems to be holding up.

Of course, I still need to buy a hard drive, Hi-Def cable and more than Gears of War for it.

Someone at work has brought in The Orange Box - I wonder how many more days I should wait before 'borrowing' it ...


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