Return of the Zombies ...

So what's the latest this month.

Well, as usual, I have far more games on the go than I ever get time to play.

Lunar Knights on the DS is still ongoing - I believe that I'm coming to the end, though that isn't near completion. Probably a good thing though as Chrono Trigger hasn't been fired up since checking it worked a couple of months back.

Valkyria Chronicles was the last game of choice on the PS3, one which I'm taking slowly but one that has really fired the strategy bug in me (oh god, another genre to want stuff from ...). Still haven't picked up any of the DLC though I probably should as the price increases have quietly started (Age of Booty which I swear was released at £6.19 is now £7.99 - I'm really going to have to clear the decks before adding that one). And having worked our way through Lego Indiana Jones, I managed to track down a copy of Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga.
This hasn't seemed as much fun, partly as I've still got the first Lego Star Wars on PS2 and partly as wife number one keeps getting characters that don't have force abilities in the co-op.
Now we've reached episode four it should pick up a little ...

And Pain continues to devalue my single trophy with the new trophy releases for the new levels. Grrr. At least, the Daxter model is free (splat!)

My Xbox360 gamercard (below the PS3 card)shows that both the Gears of War games were last on the drives - though I still can't clear the 'disc is unreadable' error. It may be easier to pick up a new copy of that once it becomes a Classic title.
Wife number one also tried out the co-op on the first Gears.
And hated it.

Switching to the legacy controls made it a little more bearable for her but she was a little too used to the shared camera of ObsCure and not the letterbox view.
She does grudgingly accept now why the camera can't be shared but this does raise the issue of Resident Evil 5's co-op. I may end up having to deal with Chris and Sheva all by my lonesome ...

There were times she used my view point to navigate which kinda defeats the object and the cover system just didn't click. Maybe I should dust off kill.switch for her?

Shooting isn't that much of a challenge for her though. The Wii has seen some action for the first time in a few months.

I blame a friends birthday - when a brand new Wii was the focus of several hours party gaming (Raving Rabbids joins the list of games that I normally wouldn't have played). That day session reminded wife number one of our own Wii and we loaded up Umbrella Chronicles for the first time in a good few months. A bunch more files unlocked but we can't quite get above the majority B ranks (there always seems to be just one C pulling the average down, sometimes bizarrely. I'd like to know what the weighting is on the ranks as I think it's biased to pull the ranks down (that said, I seem to recall the one S rank I have seemed to be awarded a little arbitrarily.

Back onto Xbox360 for Crystal Defenders - my first real try at tower placement strategy - with a slight wry grin after specifically mentioning Tactics last month. Good fun but the precision needed with balancing troop placement and money is a little disheartening. I think I'd prefer a little more option for experimenting than the rigidity all the guides seem to be insisting upon.
That said, I also gave Savage Moon a trial and that seems a little too undefined in it's approach - it's not all that clear where the enemy paths are and the approaches to the base do seem as if chosen at random.
Which is a very bad option for this type of strategy game.

In addition to all the above, there's still Tomb Raider and MGS4 to work through and a bunch of Achievements and Trophies to aim for. At some point, we'll need also to go back to Overlord: Raising Hell and go for the bad bad ending (as opposed to the good bad ending) - I'm really hoping something nasty happens to the jester in the sequel to that one ...

So of course I've downloaded another game to add to the pile.

It's yet another tower defense game but this one is on PC. It's also got zombies to keep wife number one happy.
Yep, I'm another supporter of Plants Vs Zombies. £14.95 seems a little pricey for a download game but it works superbly on the laptop - especially as we have a tablet PC. The point and click action seems to be custom made for full touch screen - enough that I couldn't see the game working as well on Xbox or PS3; though the Wii would do very well.

Have a better look here:
The video section includes a potential ear worm ...

I don't know if there's any multi-player on it - I think not - but as we get used to the tablet PC, it's the sort of time-wasting thing that should help on long train journeys ...

Now, if you'll excuse me, I can hear the cry of brains coming from the lawn ...


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