Maybe tomorrow ...

Yes I know it's been a while since my last post - real life got in the way with all sorts of house moving work related newborn child adventures.

Anyhoo - Nintendo remains as was. we've bought no new games, played no existing games and haven't even turned it on this summer.

The PS3 has also been fairly quiet. On once a week to check the store. Still haven't run a backup and still have to purchase a larger HDD. Assassins Creed 2 remains in the disc slot and I have now at least got to all the viewpoints in the first area of the first city. Yes that's as far as I have played. When will I continue? Maybe tomorrow ...

The big gaming news is that the X360 is at last fixed and working fine and while my first born new daughter means that playing time is at a premium, I have at least got to the end of Halo 3. Gears of War 2 has also been completed and I've started online coop again with a friend. But the baby cries so I'm putting down the controller again. When do I get back to the game? Maybe tomorrow ...


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