Of zombies and monsters

My mission to update on Borderlands 2 and GTAV has hit a snag - hard to update on games that I'm not currently playing ...
Some of this is that real life thing again intruding - but when I do switch on the PS3 (and the X360 hasn't been on much the last few weeks), then I'm on my normal couch co-op with Mrs Zombie Killer.
We've been working on our completion score in Resident Evil 6. After finding our first run-throughs on the new PS3 didn't leave us with much ammo, we had dropped to Amateur skill for the zombie killing equivalent of a kick-about. After a chapter on that, we found that we were having to leave ammo behind so we switched up to Veteran. Mrs ZK has up'ed her game with the increase in difficulty and we've hit the stage where we now grumble about 'only' getting an A rank -my nearest miss being 0.1% of an accuracy score.
I've also given Agent Hunt a try for the first time - more times than not I'm not able to connect to a session but when on I seem to be on far more successful hunts than not, though it's fifty-fifty at best if I actually manage to kill an agent.
In another first, I've also participated in the current challenge on Resident Evil.net. Called Agents, Abductors and Chainsaws 7, RE6 players are tasked with getting a minimum number of medals from particular chapters from Leon, Ada and Jake campaigns. It required 10000 medals and as of last night the total was 14500. Extra points incoming!
And a final first - my 4 year old has (just about) grasped the PS3 controller for the first time in a game. Obviously not Resident Evil - her and myself are working our way through Lego Star Wars.
This follows setting up an avatar for her on the X360 a couple of weeks ago - called Little Monster. Haven't yet set up a Live account to allow her to go online but it does mean that I now am trying our the parental controls on the X360
Next up for her is learning to jump properly ... next up for me may be a little game called Resident Evil Revelations 2 ...


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