Talking technical this time (and a thumbs up for Hand of Fate)

This month I was reminded that when updating software, you need to check the settings before using it in anger.

So, new month means new subscription games. The first one that I pick was Hand Of Fate on Xbox One:

The game itself works well and I recommend it to anyone looking for a pick up and play RPG.
However, when setting up to record it, my GameCapture informed me that version 3.whatever was available up from 2.2.some number.
Ran the update, then went straight into the capture.

I noted the updated GUI but didn't look any further, particularly as my set tags were there. It wasn't until I'd done the capture and moved it into MovieMaker that I noticed the commentary track was missing from the folder.

Checking the raw files I also didn't find it there then realised that the commentary was embedded into the video - and as I didn't alter the audio settings when I started playing, the commentary was all but inaudible. However, because I have the audio set to dip when speaking, the audio track was all over the place.

In the settings for Gamecapture, there is a tick box to allow the commentary track to be exported separately and during the update, this had been unticked for me.

Changed that then captured another First Time Play on Sacred Citadel.

Bringing the video in for editing, I found the commentary track where it should be. But in lining up the track to the video, I realised I was listening to two commentary streams. What the ...?

Checking back in the GameCapture settings, I realised that, directly above the tickbox for exporting the commentary track separate is another checkbox that embeds the commentary into the video when it's exported to MP4 format, which I use for editing.

I'm trying to decide now whether I should spend time lining up the tracks in the hope that I can get them both to line up, or whether to all but cut the audio track from the video - Sacred Citadel isn't a good enough game that I'm that keen to go back into it to record the video again.

On the plus side, the Xbox 360 emulation was captured fine this time and there wasn't the audio/visual skips that occurred with Sacred 3. I'm pondering at the moment to upload some of that video to show what can go wrong - however, as I don't know for certain what caused it, I don't really have any reason to do so.


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