
Showing posts from July, 2016

Black Ops 3 Nightmare nightmare

One day my internet will work properly again - hopefully soon enough that I'll actually be able to play GTA Online on my Xbox One. It does encourage me to play other games at least, and Xbox buddy WatchingSeven and myself have been slowly working our way through the Nightmare campaign on Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 . The concept behind this is great: take the story campaign of Black Ops 3 , swop out the original story for a bioweapon virus that turns people into zombies and go! Even the cutscenes are re-used and by altering the voice-over (and removing character voices) they have been able to put a story in that uses the locales from the main campaign and 'remix' it - helps when the levels don't need to be in the order that they originally were. It's also nice to be able to play zombies and be able to utilise the cyber abilities - however Treyarch also made the decision to alter how weapons are handled. The weapons themselves are the same as you'll fine i...

Bugs, terrors and underground nasties

Last month was a little quiet from me in the upload stakes - picked up a rather nasty cold bug mid May that continued to linger well into June, with some sick days taken as a result. This in turn has shot my sleeping patterns to all hell. Combine that with a particularly busy stretch at the day job and I've not had much time, and not much energy. The busy season is easing off though at work - the cold bug has departed (though I think I may have just replaced it with a summer flu instead ...) and my internet connection remains a known qaundary (there will be no twitch recordings any time soon. Back to the games. Largely this month when I have reached a console, it's needed to be a child-friendly title. As generally has been the case this last year, Lego steps quite handily into the breach. And currently Lego Indiana Jones 2 has been the choice. As Telltale always seem to do, it's moved to a different set-up from previous games - a pseudo open world mini version of the...