Black Ops 3 Nightmare nightmare

One day my internet will work properly again - hopefully soon enough that I'll actually be able to play GTA Online on my Xbox One.

It does encourage me to play other games at least, and Xbox buddy WatchingSeven and myself have been slowly working our way through the Nightmare campaign on Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.

The concept behind this is great: take the story campaign of Black Ops 3, swop out the original story for a bioweapon virus that turns people into zombies and go! Even the cutscenes are re-used and by altering the voice-over (and removing character voices) they have been able to put a story in that uses the locales from the main campaign and 'remix' it - helps when the levels don't need to be in the order that they originally were.

It's also nice to be able to play zombies and be able to utilise the cyber abilities - however Treyarch also made the decision to alter how weapons are handled.

The weapons themselves are the same as you'll fine in any of the other modes - amongst several differences though is that you can now only hold one weapon at a time. Instantly your offensive capability is halved, which considering that these aren't 'round one' zombies is a pain. As far as we can tell, the weapons are not levelled up as per the other campaigns so that zombies take a number of hits.

Weapons can be taken from humans who support the zombies (not that they explained WHY anyone would support zombies) as per normal. Or weapons can be found in magic boxes (which work as they do in the proper zombies mode. Or these will sometimes spawn as a collectible.

Both of these methods of getting weapons also has a problem - the magic boxes seem much more likely to spawn pistols and sub machine guns and these weapons just aren't powerful enough to deal with the zombies - whether that's because the weapon levels don't equate from the other campaign, or because of higher level zombies but the lack of power, combined with the lack of ammo from only having one weapon and very few enemies to pick up loose ammo mean that you often have underpowered weapons and low ammo.

The collectible weapons often don't help - these are automatically equipped and are as likely to be pistols as assault rifles - very annoying to have finally picked up a weapon that you actually like, only for a random zombie to randomly drop a weapon in front of you. It's also not possible to swop weapons back in this instance so the first weapon is lost.

We can't think of a good reason why weapons have been implemented in this fashion - it's annoying to lose a weapon, it's frustrating to only have one weapon and it's disappointing that all the weapons seem underpowered.

It's also annoying that if one of you goes down, the mission is failed if you aren't revived - it ends up too often just being a rush to get to the next checkpoint, not bothering to shoot zombies as whatever weapon you've ended up with takes too long to kill them.

And this takes the fun out of it - when it works it's fine but the weapon implementation seems to be there just for some artificial difficulty. Don't know if this is meant to be a means of invoking the horror trope of limited ammo but shooters are a game type where you shouldn't really have to worry about running out of ammo.


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