Incoming Titanfall ...

I'm noticing that a larger portion of my gaming these days is comprised of demo's, tech tests and free play weekends.

The latest addition to the partial games taking up my Xbox One disk space is the tech test for Titanfall 2 with a First Time Play:

and a following Thoughts of the Game vid:

The game itself is quite enjoyable but the front-end is very cluttered and I'm going to predict that it's going to lose out against some of the other upcoming shooters coming out this season (not least Battlefield One) and the larger names still holding their own (Destiny, Overwatch, Halo 5, Black Ops 3, stop me when appropriate ...).

I do like this trend towards a more objective led gameplay. As popular as the deathmatch game mode has and is, I prefer this more team based approach to games (it's why I stuck with Unreal Tournament 2004 for three years) - I'm not the best aimer in the world so getting points for objective completions helps me and I'm always a big advocate of co-op gaming - couch and online.

Respawn, Titanfall 2 developer, says that the single player campaign is not all just running and gunning and I'll actually be more interested in the game if that really is the case. Mostly though, I'm aware that I can only realistically give an hour or two a day to playing games around work, family and, you know, sleep and between the monthly free games from Xbox and Playstation coupled with the games that my online friends actually play and it's doubtful that Titanfall 2 will be added to my collection.


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