Saved the future world - First Time Plays can resume

Okays, so finally responding to my post in early September regarding games that I would be playing ...

The game I didn't mention was finally obviously Destiny. And I have to admit that that game kinda swallowed up my gaming time from late September until early November - anyone checking our the ReprobateGamer channel on Youtube will notice the mass gap in video's from September to November.

For a game that can frustrate as easily as enthuse, I certainly put a lot of hours into it. In part, this was helped by having a fire team pretty much waiting on me to get to a point where I was raid ready. I did capture some footage from early on in playing and I do have raid footage from Vault of Glass and Crota captured that I still haven't gone through (it is around 3 hours of capture ...). This was with 4 long time players (LL around 370) and myself and another at around LL330.

We made a push on The Taken King and made it to the final area but that took a little doing. And having all pushed into Rise of Iron, we hit the Wrath of The Machine God raid, getting to Aksis with all but one of us at over LL370 and doing it blind (mostly, I may have watched one or two videos on the Death Zamboni section).

In a wry turn of events, the interest in Destiny has actually waned with the 1.4 and 1.5 patch updates for The Division. The underground expansion was a step in the right direction but the effort and time that Massive put into 1.4 (including bringing well known community players in for a concerted play test at the dev's studios) has paid off. And the Survival expansion has certainly enthused the community.

I've been able to try one or two games of Survival and I'm really liking it so far. I'm just needing not to be working evening shifts and to actually be able to get on when fireteam members are about - trying Survival solo is definitely a challenge.

However, to combat the paucity of videos in the last couple of months, there are a couple of first time plays on the Youtube channel.

Super Dungeon Bros riffs on the heavy metal in a fantasy world theme using Diablo (et al) as a template. I would think that with a few buddies it could be enjoyable but this is not a standout title.

The other video updated is another Xbox one Games With Gold title:

Murdered: Soul Suspect is one of those games that liberally pulls ideas from as many genre's as it can manage. There really isn't anything that you haven't seen anywhere else but it is mostly coherent and it's nice that there is some actual reasoning as to why ghosts can't go everywhere (though it does make for some obvious walling). It also makes for a great change of pace from Destiny/The Division and for the achievement hunters amongst you, would seem to be a fairly easy 1000GS - even the casual player like myself is racking up the 'pings' - and several drop within the course of the above video.

I've also been going back to Forza Horizon. I'm aware that Horizon 3 is recently out and that the dlc for Horizon 1 is no longer available but again it's one of those games that you can just pick up and drop as needed, which ties into my availability for gaming at the moment. It also helps that Horizon is a little more forgiving when side swiping the opposing cars so my Burnout driving tendencies aren't actually causing too many issues and I'm am beginning to grasp the idea of analogue acceleration (don't worry, my real life driving is much more precise ...)

I am still claiming all the games with gold / PS+ titles but I am noticing that titles once released on one format are now available on another (Far Cry Blood Dragon is on Xbox 360 this month which I already have on PS3 from some time ago). And I'm not deliberately avoiding PS3 at the moment  - it just happens that Xbox is more in tune with game choices at the moment, and I have more gaming buddies there.


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