Games List for Cancer Research Gaming Marathon
So the votes are in and the choices are made. Below is the current games list for my Cancer Research Gaming Marathon, taking place from 1000 BST Sunday 22nd October 2017. Timings are included but these are definitely indicative. The plan is for this to be livestreamed on Youtube at 1000 - Assassins Creed 4 - Xbox One 1030 - Batman: Arkham Knight - Xbox One 1100 - Call of Jaurez: Gunslinger - PS3 1130 - Destiny 2 - Xbox One 1200 - Enslaved: Odyessey to the West (was Entwined) - PS3 1230 - Flower - PS3 1300 - GTA V - Xbox One 1330 - Halo 5 Guardians - Xbox One 1400 - Ico - PS3 1430 - Journey - PS3 1500 - Kameo: Elements of Power (was 'Kinect') - Xbox 360 1530 - Lego Marvel Super Heroes - PS3 1600 - Minecraft - Xbox One 1630 - Need for speed: Most Wanted - PS3 1700 - Overlord - PS3 1730 - Playstation All Stars: Battle Royale - PS3 1800 - Quantum Break - Xbox One 1830 - Resident Evil 4 - PS3 1900 - S...