Alphabet gaming session game picks

So below is the shortlist of titles for the alphabet gaming marathon I've scheduled for Sunday 22nd October 2017.

Whilst my aim was to have one big title, one indie and one other, it's been largely influenced by what I have available to me, and by how well it would be portrayed, seeing as I'm no expert for any of these games. And, in some cases, it's limited by the starting letter (and I was fairly ruthless in using the official title - a lot more 'The' titles than i was expecting)

My twitter feed has live polls for the next few days with all of those listed, along with an option to add your own. Do feel free to comment below if there is something you particularly would like to see - not much time left!

Still struggling on Y as well ...

Assassins Creed 4 / abyss odyessey  / asura's wrath
Batman Knight / Blur / badlands
Call of Jaurez: Gunslinger / Crysis 3 / chariot / 
Destiny 2 / Deadlight / dirt 3 or showdown
Ethan meteor hunter / Entwined / Earth Defense Force 2025
Fortnite /  (or Forza 5) / Flower
Goat Simulator / GTA V / grow home
Hydro Thunder / Halo / Helldivers
I am alive / ico / inFamous
Journey / Just Cause 2 / jagged alliance
Kung Fu Rabbit / Kinect / Kameo; Elements of Power
Lego marvel super heroes / Left 4 Dead 2 / Lovers in a dangerous Space time
Minecraft / Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes / metro: last light
Neverwinter / neon chrome / need for speed most wanted
Overcooked / orcs Must Die! / Overlord
Paladins / Pain / playstation all stars
Quantum Break /Qix / quantum conundrum
Resident Evil 4 / Rez HD / Runbow /
splitsecond / star wars battlefront / speed runners
The Division / Thomas was Alone / tiny troopers
Uncharted: drake's fortune / unmechanical / ultratron
 Viva Pinata / Valiant Hearts / vanquish
Warframe / we are Doomed / WRC 5
Xcom / Xmen Origins - Wolverine / xotic
Yakuza 5 / Yu gi oh 5 / ??
Zen pinball 2 / Zuma/ zack zero


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