Two becomes free

The next video upload is (or at least should be) live once you read this.

The next in my monthly First Time Play series, I take a quick look at the first level of Entwined.

It's a quick look as it's a quick first level - I've breezed through the next two levels in about as quick. Cant tell if it's an easy Trophy claim or if the 'story' mode is simple as the challenge mode is the meat of the game

The graphics are lovely but seem quite derivative of Rez, Child of Eden, Amplitude , Insert similar game title here ... Can't decide yet if I'll take the time to continue with this one or not. I doubt I would have bothered with it if not for PSN Plus (much like Race the Sun last month really)

Think it's becoming clear that Sony are putting PS3 onto the back burner and gearing up on PS4 (they just recognise that there are still a lot of players on PS3 ...)


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