Latest Youtube upload to Reprobate Gamer channel (and some AWOL videos)

Another week, another upload to the Youtube channel:

Kung Fu Rabbit is this weeks lucky winner.

I had planned to get all the PS+ subscribers October games up but suffered from a couple of technical hitches this time about.

First was Kick Beat where the audio commentary ended up a couple of minutes longer than the visual and there is no sync betwixt them (ironic for a rhythm action game).

Then I tried Chariot but forgot to change the title from Kick Beat, recorded it with the wrong name then mistakenly deleted it when starting to edit Kick Beat (right before finding the synchronisation issue.

Finally started to record Unmechanical and middle of recording ran out of HDD space.

Not my week all in all - 1 video uploaded out of 4 isn't a great result.

But I do still have the footage from KickBeat so I just need to re-record the commentary and I can possibly even get two separate videos from it. And the little monster has taken a shine to Chariot so maybe there's a co-op video in there.

And I wasn't that far into Unmechanical so I can always redo a First Time Play (albeit be it somewhat later than planned)


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