Twisted problems

Following on from my previous post, I've finally managed to get the Twisted Metal first play up on the youtube channel:

I end up being a little hard on this game - but actually it doesn't help itself.
The graphics are not outstanding. It's possible that following immediately on from Crysis 3 may affect my view on this but then, I've also been playing Lego Pirates and Littlebigplanet 2 with my little monster and Twisted Metal is just a little rough around the edges visually compared to them also.
The music is all guitar rock and heavy metal - which I don't have a problem with, but I heard Sweet Tooths theme so often just recording this video I was getting very bored of it. Especially as it's the music that plays (just once) from the XMB when it's the highlighted selection.

There are also inconstancies within the game. As an example, towards the end of the mission played, I get a message to say that I've killed Sweet Tooth. But I'm playing in the story mode AS Sweet Tooth! Even in the first cut-scene, we see Sweet Tooth being stabbed in one eye - yet it's the opposite eye to the one that is missing in the character model

But the worse thing is that I just didn't enjoy it. I've never got the excessive gore thing that seems to have crept into video games since Mortal Kombat. This is somewhat subjective of course - Doom has never bothered me and I'm perfectly happy to explodorise zombies in Resident Evil or scientists in 'Splosion Man but it's the more realistic end that I'm not particularly keen on. 
I'm generally playing games for fun and not for biology lessons and I wasn't particularly keen on playing as a serial killer so I had no investment in the character from the start. There was no discernible impact on the other characters whilst shooting them - rather they seemed to embody the 'bullet sponge' principle. I don't recall any damage appearing on the cars as I whittled down their health and it's only watching back through it that I could see the flashing red that indicated the final car was low on health.

Honestly, I just was left with the impression that the game was rushed out to get onto PS3 before too many people migrate over to PS4 and the only hook was the Twisted Metal label attached to it

I also got hit with copyright notices after posting it.
Like many Youtubers, I monetise the video's by allowing ads on the video. This had been up for only a few hours when that option was denied me as three separate tracks were identified by bots as licensed music (including the blooming Sweet Tooth Theme ...) - a neat trick when some of those tracks are obscured by playing the video at 4x speed at times.

Now I don't mind copyright owners stepping in to protect their work, in fact I support it as my day job is in the live events sector. What I did find interesting was that the copyright holders could put their own ads onto my video.

Ah well, another lesson learned and I'm going to have to be more careful with uploading music in the future.

What's next? Well, I've got Ground Zero's on a hard drive awaiting a first time play and I need to get back to the playthrough for Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and the walk-through for Plants Vs Zombies.
I'll be carrying on with first-time plays of the Live Gold/PS+ free games as well of course.

I'm keen to start up some other regular features but I'm not wanting to rehash video's that already exist in popular forms on Youtube and I'm also constrainted by practical considerations like lack of hard disk space, lack of time and not having a dedicated recording area.

Youtuber problems really do come into the 1st world problems category don't they?


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