No medal of honor for this warfighter

This month's 1st First Time Play is Medal Of Honor: Warfighter, currently available for free for Playstation Plus subscribers for the month of January 2016.

It starts badly for the game as it needs an update before it even starts. As I mention in the video, and have done previously, I do not understand why a digital download game requires post download patches.

I've just purchased GTA V for my Xbox One and whilst that did require an update, it was also a physical disc - there's enough dlc for that game I understand why the disc isn't up to date.

But for a game that I entirely download, which has been released for a period of time and which Sony will have decided ahead of time to release for PS+, there really doesn't seem to be any good reason.

The opening level is shown in the video - the graphics are fine though not amazing but the sound effects are far too loud, a magnitude above games like Call of Duty or Halo which I also expect effects to be not quiet.

After that opening level, you get a what seems pointless interlude presumably involving one of the protagonists (who we haven't really seen at that point), then another shadowy phone call - which leads into a second tutorial level.

There was a reasonable thought behind the second tutorial level as you are playing as a deep cover agent going through a terrorist training camp simulator but any reasonableness is sunk by most of the controls already having been used and an overwhelming sense of"Look, we can do COD as well ..."

Then after another shadowy phone call, it goes into generic middle east level which was the point at which I gave up playing. There are some nice ideas - being able to pick which breach to do is actually something I'll give it credit for. However, when I'm clearly lining up headshots which go straight through the enemy half the time and kill them the rest, the tracking just seemed off.

And maybe I'm getting too used to objective markers but I really did miss them from this.

All in all, it didn't make a good impression on me.  I remember Medal of Honor being one of the premier FPS franchises a console generation or two ago and one would suggest they may well be resting the franchise for a time now ... it really seems like once COD came along, MOH never really upped it's game enough.


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