Reprobate Gamer January 2016 Update

In my last post I mentioned that I would shortly be able to be undertaking higher res recordings and also be able to start gaining HDD space.

Anyone who's checked out ReprobateGamer on Youtube by this point will already have been able to guess the answer, as there is now a number of Xbox One captures up on the channel.

Yep, finally joined the current gen of consoles with Microsoft's offering. The PS4 remains tempting but there aren't currently any games available on that system that I can't also get on Xbox One and I know more people on Xbox Gold to actually play with at the moment.

The older consoles are still hooked up so there will be still recordings coming from them both (I haven't forgotten about the Gunslinger playthrough that has been in abeyance since last summer) but I'm currently working on a Top Tips for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies newcomers which is definitely proving how much of a hassle MovieMaker is to use - predominantly that I have to use video throughout when I'd actually much rather my already recorded audio commentary and just add video to it in snippets. I'm having to do a lot of snipping from a larger recording (the audio is around 20mins, the video clip is over 45mins) and the fact that the audio track will just end if there is no more video is rather annoying.

I do already have one Black Ops 3 video up:

Done as a MTV cribs style vid (couldn't really do a First Time Play on a game that I was halfway through), it's one of several Xone vids up.
I'm also looking to do a full Achievement run of Pnuema. The game is complete but I need to do commentary for the later levels. With any luck, I'll get that done soon and be able to upload a full playlist in the not so distant future.

Still struggling with technical challenges of course though. I've mislaid the power supply for my sound card so I'm having to use the onboard sound card on my laptop. Tried also capturing the first mission on Sacred 3 (simultaneously checking Xbox 360 backwards compatibility). It seemed to be fine whilst actually playing the level but there are jumps and skips in both the audio and video throughout the capture and it is not recoverable.

Looking a little more at the content, I'm heavy on the First Time Plays (which in and of itself isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, as the Van Helsing captures shows:
RPG First Time Plays tend to come in nearer to 30mins and are often full of menu screens rather than playing action. This makes me dubious about doing a Dragon Age:Inquisition run this month but I am intending to get a Medal Of Honour:Warfighter First Time Play up soon.

Whilst over on Xbox, I an also looking at a Dirt:Showdown video but am trying to decide whether to try again on Xbox One or go back to the 360 for the capture. Killer Instinct doesn't appeal to me at all after having tried Street Fighter 4 on the 360 last year and utterly failing to get the d-pad or control to let me enter special moves in with any degree of accuracy. Deus Ex: Human Revolution also doesn't appeal (as I have it on PS3 with a bunch of extras from the Augmented Edition) but Zheros probably will go up later in the month.

Not one that I'm planning to upload is Valiant Hearts: Great War. However, this is a great game. Played it for a few games over Christmas and went straight through it. It's not a long game (a few hours) but it is very well crafted. If you picked it up as part of the November Games With Gold lineup and haven't yet played it, I recommend that you take an afternoon to do so. If you are playing it to gain achievements then remember to read to the historical facts as you play as I don't seem able to find them from the menu.

I'm also working through the Nightmare campaign on Black Ops 3 with my good friend WatchingSeven. As he says it's pretty intense. Having completing the main campaign, I have at least an idea of the level layout (though the order of the levels in somewhat different for Nightmare). We are both wondering why you can't have two weapons at the same time - in constrast to every other game type. You can still have a special weapon on the left D-pad but there is no proper weapon switching. Weapons also seem to be randomised and lean a little too much away from assault rifles and LMGs for our personal tastes.

Randomly I've gone back to Puzzle Quest. It's one of the games on my started but not finished list so I'm trying to get to the end now. However, I have reached Lord Bane and my lvl 50 Knight is struggling. My wear them down approach, tried and tested through the game, isn't working. Nor is my magic resistance build.
I don't have the patience to earn the death gaze or stone gaze spells (and Lord Bane's own magic resistances seem to suggest that a magic based build is not ideal) - all of which is kind of leaning me towards hoping I can find mirror items in the shops and seeing if their damage reflection can work better than magic resistance.

I'm trying not to move too much over from the 360 as I can see that in years to come the HDD on the Xbox One is going to get quite full


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