September Youtube videos and preview of what's likely to come next

New Month, new Games With Gold, new video's on the channel.

I'm starting with Xbox this month and we have an older game:

the lovely Forza Horizon. I gripe about the arrow line that changes colour depending on whether you are at the right speed or not but it is actually quite helpful for someone like me who learn to race in the age of the d-pad (there was acceleration and not, and not the gradulated analogue that is the standard now.

The other video is:

Earthlock Festival of Magic. This doesn't fair so well. In part this is because only giving 15 minutes or so for an RPG means that it hasn't really got going. Of course, the game hasn't really grabbed my attention within that time either which doesn't bode well.

Not that I'll be giving this game any time any time soon. Overwatch is on a Free Play Weekend 9th - 12th September, I'm part of the closed beta of Behemoths Pit People, my fire team is enthused for The Division Underground having given up on the game just before that dlc dropped, and I may have pre-ordered one of larger FPS/RPG crossover games with a large September release ...

AND Journey is one of the free PS+ games this month!

Thankfully the internet issues have mostly been resolved (for another post) as the consoles are likely to see a lot of work over the next few weeks ...


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