What did come next

For once, I have no video's in this update - instead I'm following up on my previous post and the things to come. Well, the Overwatch open weekend came and went and I didn't even get as far as downloading it. Currently only really have a couple of hours a days at most to pick which games I play and that same weekend had the Pit People closed beta running.

There will be Pit People video's coming onto the Youtube channel over the next few days. Behemoths next game is a lot of fun. Recognisably in the Castle Crashers style, it's a turn-based strategy game, with co-op play if wanted, set on a world that is somewhat skewy. It's post-apocalytic state was caused by a bear crashing into the ground (and actually visible on the world map ...) and the weapons and armour are not standard weapons (my hero started with a fence post shield, a sword and a moustache and is currently rocking a filing cabinet, toilet brush and mollusc hat in those same slots).

Being a beta there have been a few 'features' that I'm sure aren't in the design document - the biggest issue I have is actually finding people to play against/with. I speculate that the majority of the other beta testers are stateside as it seems to be after 12am BST that anyone is available in The Pit, the PvP or PvE arena area - not helpful if it's on a work night! There is a useful option to select a 'ghost team' - basically a team made up of characters from players you have previously fought alongside. This certainly helps to increase your numbers on some of the harder quests available but the AI can be a little flaky as to where the ghost team move to. The beta draws to a close tonight - I'm interested in getting the game certainly but I'm not certain that I could guarantee having the time to spend on this game. There is a lot hidden on the world map and I think that having someone to play alongside (and occasionally beat up in The Pit) would be a bonus for this game - much as Castle Crashers is improved by having more than one knight at once.

Something I did make time for though, was Journey. Played through the game last night and it looks gorgeous. Being 4 years old, the graphics are now a little more jagged than Thatgamecompany intend but some of the views are just lovely. It has an interesting co-op element where you can be partnered at anytime with another online player but the only way to communicate is via a 'shout' - which can also charge up the partner's jump ability. You don't know who you are with until you finish the game and it displays your companions name as part of the credits. I found that this pseudo-drop in/out play worked very well. I lost companions at points appropriate to the game and keep meeting back up with them at a pace that made it seem as it was me and one other making our way to the goal - in fact I played with a total of 6 other players over the 2 hours! The game is short yes but definitely worth it - even more so for September 2016 as it's free for PS+ subscribers. I'm almost kind of glad that I didn't get all the trophies as it means I have a good excuse to replay the game. At that run time - I suspect that I would have come back to it, even if I had 100% completion. It is just lovely.

And the other games mentioned in my previous post? I'll be back to those later in the month ...


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