I say Achievement a lot in this one ...

Two weeks into 2015 and second post has gone live. That's definitely an improvement from the last few years. Game updates - Up to level 12 now in Borderlands 2 and two more points gone into Guerilla - next level will see me max out Sentry and probably move onto Willing. Ticked off a few more side missions in Sanctuary and have left the story mission to assassinate assassins (missed the boss rush rank), chase mad doctors (and perforated by his hi-tech gun because of a rubbish turret deployment) and look inquisitively at the motel (decided to actually sleep than visit there just yet)
Mrs Zombie Killer and myself have also brought Leon and Helena through their Resident Evil 6 campaign and are now back in China hunting B.O.W. with Chris and Piers. I'll note that I really don't like Chris's thank you calls in this particular mission - doesn't encourage saying thanks. The starting ammo also seems a little sparse considering that they are part of a armed response force. Having Federal Agents with minimum ammo isn't too much of an issue but one would really think that Chris (by now) would have learned to bring as much ammo as he could stuff in his pockets.

On the X360, the first lil monster is assisting my achievement score by stomping through Double Fine's Kinect Party (having started with Happy Action Theatre). This is one of those games that appeared from their game jam sessions - not too bad as a divertment, but not something that I'd consider playing on my own. But then, I'm not four years old so the short sessions and free playing appeal her sense of play. Apparently, my best dad dancing is still not enough to warrant my exclusion from joining in ... It's probably worth noting that all of the mini games in Happy Action Theatre are also in Kinect Party with only slight visual changes - it only cost a few quid to purchase Kinect Party, apparently as I had already spend a few pounds on HAT. This was good to see (particularly based on the cost of individual games)and it means a whole new set of achievements to pick up.

Talking of achievements I've finally manage to get everything on Lego Indiana Jones and there is a new game sat on the hard drive - a little game you may of heard of called ... GTA V.
I've been watching the Achievement Hunter Let's Play videos quite a bit recently and with GTA V down to around £16, I decided to bite the bullet and get it. Yes this isn't the current gen version any more but I know that you can transfer your character across if (When) an Xbox One is purchased (and I can see that happening within the next year or so ... fingers crossed and money willing)
Catch you soon


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