Echo from the Hinterlands

So, pretty much three years ago, a lone blogger went incommunicado from the blogosphere
Now he's back, additional family members in tow, newer PS3 after the prolonged death throes of the previous orginal model and an internet connection that has fewer limits.
I've looked to re-start the blog a couple of times in the years of having it and never really managed to get back into it once the family started to arrive. This time around, rather than just listing games and hinting at other posts that just have never appeared, I'm going to focus on my progress on one or two games and hope to maintain momentum (and a semi-regular posting schedule). My starting games is ... Borderlands 2
Picked it up as part of the PS Plus games and never really got around to it until now. Tempting as phase locking or cloaking was, the ability to have a turret on call was just too tempting and I'm currently Axton, having just hit level 10 in my first playthrough and in Three Horns looking for Corporal Reiss.
I'm mostly building my skills on the Tactician Axton Build outlined in this post on the gearbox forums, However,rather than a starting point in Preparation then working down the Guerilla tree, I've put a point each on Impact and Expertise, working on the principle that I'll need a little extra firepower (I'm a little worried still about the reliance on items on this build but certainly favour the use of the turret)
Weapons obviously need some work but I'm generally using a sniper for first contact then swopping to a fire based SMG (was a fast pistol with fire element previously) with an explosive assault rifle living in the backpack, alongside a zoomed pistol, scout minigun and zoomable shotgun. I'm certainly favouring keeping my distance whereever possible. Missed most of the boss challenges so far (though didn't get hit by the Dragon Breath) but doing okay on most of the other badass challenges)
Not actively looking for co-op partners but don't think I'd turn down someone asking to join in. Mrs Zombie killer does okay but FPS are not her thing and it's usually more fun being up to set up cross fires rather than having to avoid them


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