
Showing posts from 2015

Ups and downs and things unseen

So my last blog spot was a catalogue of woes regarding the October PS+ games. Sadly, November hasn't been much better. Positive news first: I have got a First Time Play for Dungeon Siege 3 up on the channel: Which does at least mean I've got it up whilst it's the November Games with Gold freebie for the Xbox Live Gold subscribers out there. So far better than Dirt 3 (for which I have no space on the console HDD to download), Walking Dead Episode 1 (downloaded and untouched) or Battlestation Pacific (video recorded but is unlikely to be uploaded now) However, for the PS3, I'm wondering if we'll manage to get any of this months games up and out. Let's see, we've got Beyond Good and Evil HD - which I have played previously so wouldn't technically be a First Time Play. I'm also not certain that the opening to that game would do it justice in a 20 min or so video. Then we have Invizimals on Vita and The Walking Dead Episode 2...

Latest Youtube upload to Reprobate Gamer channel (and some AWOL videos)

Another week, another upload to the Youtube channel: Kung Fu Rabbit is this weeks lucky winner. I had planned to get all the PS+ subscribers October games up but suffered from a couple of technical hitches this time about. First was Kick Beat where the audio commentary ended up a couple of minutes longer than the visual and there is no sync betwixt them (ironic for a rhythm action game). Then I tried Chariot but forgot to change the title from Kick Beat , recorded it with the wrong name then mistakenly deleted it when starting to edit Kick Beat (right before finding the synchronisation issue. Finally started to record Unmechanical and middle of recording ran out of HDD space. Not my week all in all - 1 video uploaded out of 4 isn't a great result. But I do still have the footage from KickBeat so I just need to re-record the commentary and I can possibly even get two separate videos from it. And the little monster has taken a shine to Chariot so maybe there...

Twisted problems

Following on from my previous post, I've finally managed to get the Twisted Metal first play up on the youtube channel: I end up being a little hard on this game - but actually it doesn't help itself. The graphics are not outstanding. It's possible that following immediately on from Crysis 3 may affect my view on this but then, I've also been playing Lego Pirates and Littlebigplanet 2 with my little monster and Twisted Metal is just a little rough around the edges visually compared to them also. The music is all guitar rock and heavy metal - which I don't have a problem with, but I heard Sweet Tooths theme so often just recording this video I was getting very bored of it. Especially as it's the music that plays (just once) from the XMB when it's the highlighted selection. There are also inconstancies within the game. As an example, towards the end of the mission played, I get a message to say that I've killed Sweet Tooth. But I'm ...

September free games video uploads

Next video upload onto the Youtube Channel. This time around, it's the turn of Crysis 3 . I manage the achievement for completing the tutorial level but miss the arrow in the knee achievement  The game seems enjoyable so far but I did spend a couple of minutes wondering around the port in the opening level as there did not seem to be any kind of objective marker and I missed the NPC as he headed off in the rain. The joys of video editing mean that that aimless wondering at least is not for public viewing (other than a few seconds with a life bouy ...) Link below Got this monthly free game out but missed getting a video for Pacific Battlestation before it came down from Games from Gold. On the Playstation side, I got Teslagrad uploaded and I've recorded one for Twisted Metal Online (which is the only other PS3 game on PS+ this month) - but I need to edit that video still so it'll only be a few days up before the next batch. Teslagrad vid below:

little monsters everywhere

So, there I am in the process of setting up a Plants Versus Zombies walkthrough on the Youtube channel. I've captured part 4 (to be uploaded soon!) and was lined up to get part 5 recorded in turn ... ... when my little monster, looking for a change from Kinect based games, and having seen PvZ on the Android tablets is interested. Her and myself are now in what would have been part 8 and she is proving to be not too bad at slowing zombies down. That walkthrough series may be a little delayed until I can work out the most convenient method to restart from the beginning, ideally on a different storage device so I don't lose the progress that she and me have made. The series starts here: On the plus side, it also means that I can look to do the Nom Nom Nom acheivement on the first available level. Bless her cotton socks, I not certain that was her intent ...

Never Rain's but it pours ...

Next video is up on Youtube. First time playing the game Rain is now live at this link: A first play of Mousecraft will follow - I'm just going through a technical difficulties patch with the video either not uploading, or the internet connection not working, or trying to upload with too much data traffic on the connection, or ... E2A: And here's the Mousecraft video, a day late but not a dollar short

Two becomes free

The next video upload is (or at least should be) live once you read this. The next in my monthly First Time Play series, I take a quick look at the first level of Entwined . It's a quick look as it's a quick first level - I've breezed through the next two levels in about as quick. Cant tell if it's an easy Trophy claim or if the 'story' mode is simple as the challenge mode is the meat of the game The graphics are lovely but seem quite derivative of Rez , Child of Eden , Amplitude , Insert similar game title here ... Can't decide yet if I'll take the time to continue with this one or not. I doubt I would have bothered with it if not for PSN Plus (much like Race the Sun last month really) Think it's becoming clear that Sony are putting PS3 onto the back burner and gearing up on PS4 (they just recognise that there are still a lot of players on PS3 ...)

ReprobateGamer Youtube channel update 2nd july 2015

Another week, another Youtube update. This time around it's a first play on the PS3 as I take The Unfinished Swan out for a waddle: This follows on from last weeks First Play where I ride out on Call of Juarez: Gunslinger : Not decided on my next video update but as I'm very likely to be in Los Santos with the upcoming DLC, it may well end up being GTA V related. There plenty of games to pick though so watch this space (actually watch the youtube space but you get the idea)

Reprobate Gamer now live on Youtube

Well, it's been a few months since the last update - my day job and family life conspire to minimise my time to update - though watching Achievement Hunter and Yogscast videos also doesn't help ... However, I recently took the plunge into game capture and now have a Youtube channel all of my little own. Reprobate Gamer Youtube Channel Still finding my way but I'm starting with First Play videos - the aim being 10 - 20 mins of my first time with a game and I'm picking games that are available via PSN Plus or Xbox Gold Live. There are a few videos live already and the latest is Just Cause 2 Still tweaking my settings - certainly my audio levels need some balancing on the capture (there's not much can be done in post if the audio isn't there to start with) as my commentary seems to drop out in a couple of places and the game audio was certainly too loud  I'm aiming to release a video a week at least for now - as well as the First Play...

Of zombies and monsters

My mission to update on Borderlands 2 and GTAV has hit a snag - hard to update on games that I'm not currently playing ... Some of this is that real life thing again intruding - but when I do switch on the PS3 (and the X360 hasn't been on much the last few weeks), then I'm on my normal couch co-op with Mrs Zombie Killer. We've been working on our completion score in Resident Evil 6 . After finding our first run-throughs on the new PS3 didn't leave us with much ammo, we had dropped to Amateur skill for the zombie killing equivalent of a kick-about. After a chapter on that, we found that we were having to leave ammo behind so we switched up to Veteran. Mrs ZK has up'ed her game with the increase in difficulty and we've hit the stage where we now grumble about 'only' getting an A rank -my nearest miss being 0.1% of an accuracy score. I've also given Agent Hunt a try for the first time - more times than not I'm not able to connect to a ses...

Distracted from the main mission

Well, I'm meant to be reporting on updates on Borderlands 2 . Sadly, Axton remains exactly where we last left him.  Partly because of real life and partly because the other two games mentioned last time have been slightly more consuming than expected. Chris and Piers got to the end of the their Resident Evil 6 adventure and now Jake and Sherry are not far from theirs. I've been having a little more fun this time with a hand combat focussed build for Jake (Melee, J'avo Killer and Combat Gauge Boost) - which has meant stockpiling amo has been easier. I customarily have breakout on, but haven't really noticed it on this run - except when fighting the Ogremon when its lack was very apparent. Meanwhile in Los Santos, Michael has just in the process of prepping for his first heist. I'm just now trying to decide if I want to go straight into the heist, or deviate for a few hours to bump up stats, money and weaponary ahead of the story missions. Which, let's be ho...

I say Achievement a lot in this one ...

So, Two weeks into 2015 and second post has gone live. That's definitely an improvement from the last few years. Game updates - Up to level 12 now in Borderlands 2 and two more points gone into Guerilla - next level will see me max out Sentry and probably move onto Willing. Ticked off a few more side missions in Sanctuary and have left the story mission to assassinate assassins (missed the boss rush rank), chase mad doctors (and perforated by his hi-tech gun because of a rubbish turret deployment) and look inquisitively at the motel (decided to actually sleep than visit there just yet) Mrs Zombie Killer and myself have also brought Leon and Helena through their Resident Evil 6 campaign and are now back in China hunting B.O.W. with Chris and Piers. I'll note that I really don't like Chris's thank you calls in this particular mission - doesn't encourage saying thanks. The starting ammo also seems a little sparse considering that they are part of a armed response...

Echo from the Hinterlands

So, pretty much three years ago, a lone blogger went incommunicado from the blogosphere Now he's back, additional family members in tow, newer PS3 after the prolonged death throes of the previous orginal model and an internet connection that has fewer limits. I've looked to re-start the blog a couple of times in the years of having it and never really managed to get back into it once the family started to arrive. This time around, rather than just listing games and hinting at other posts that just have never appeared, I'm going to focus on my progress on one or two games and hope to maintain momentum (and a semi-regular posting schedule). My starting games is ... Borderlands 2 Picked it up as part of the PS Plus games and never really got around to it until now. Tempting as phase locking or cloaking was, the ability to have a turret on call was just too tempting and I'm currently Axton, having just hit level 10 in my first playthrough and in Three Horns looking ...